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Put a POISON! label on tomato products like these

Remember when Distillers Company said Thalidomide was harmless?  And Big Tobacco said smoking didn't cause lung cancer?  And Big Asbestos said asbestos didn't cause asbesosis?  And Big Oil said putting tetraethylead in gasoline didn't cause smog?  And Big Hygeine said IUDs and the new Rely tampons didn't cause toxic shock syndrome?

Big companies will stare you in the face as they lie to protect the sales of products that are blamed for many illnesss and deaths and it is highly likely that Heinz will protest that its ketchup is perfectly safe to eat in quantity and Campbells will claim it tomato soup is pefectly safe but when these companies advertise that one can or bottle of  the product contains the quivalent of many tomatoes then you need to remember thalidomide, asbestos, tobacco, tetraethyllead and Rely.

If you cut tomato produts out of your diet and find your athritis miraculously disappears then you too will urge the Government to put a 'POISON' health warning on all tomato products.

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